How do I watch Oxboro’s live worship service on my TV?
We’re glad you asked! Our goal is to make the service accessible on the greatest selection of attenders’ favorite platforms. If we don’t offer the service on a platform that you currently use, let us know what you’d prefer! Just use the little face feedback icon on the lower left of this web page (Please be sure to include a comment and your email if we need to follow up).
Currently, the service is broadcast to our Vimeo account. This service allows for greater control of the content, and doesn’t interrupt video with ads or require sponsorship to reach our viewers. The service is also simulcast to Facebook Live, where you can view it on our Facebook account. Do you use Twitch, Periscope, YouTube or something else? While we’re not on those platforms yet, let us know you’re there and you’d like us to join you.
Stream Vimeo Feed
There are a couple ways to cast the service to your TV using the Vimeo stream. Complete Instructions
From the Vimeo App
The easiest method is to download the Vimeo app for your phone, and use the Cast icon to find a compatible TV on your network. This is similar to using Facebook. You’ll need to create a Vimeo account, and you can follow Oxboro to make it easier to find the service.
Using Chromecast
Another method is to use Chromecast to send your browser video to a Chromecast enabled TV or device. Using this method requires that you are using the Chrome browser.
Using Roku
If you have a Roku device, you can install the Livestream TV Roku channel, and then search for Oxboro’s Livestream.
Stream Facebook Feed
If you’re already on Facebook, this offers a quick and easy way to view and interact with the worship service. Since our largest audience is engaging on this platform, you’ll be in good company. Just remember that if you are casting to your TV, once the live stream ends, Facebook will automatically begin playing other videos. Caution: Videos played automatically after the service may not be related to Oxboro Church, and as myself and others have experienced, may not be appropriate for all audiences.
From the Facebook App
Like Vimeo, using the Facebook app on your phone may be the easiest method to quickly stream and control the stream from your phone. Use the cast icon to send it to a compatible device. Facebook Instructions